Below I’ll be uploading some Victorian illustrations (1868 and soon more) from fashion magazines that were published over 100 years ago. These are beautiful paper dolls if you combine them with sewing novelties such as: ribbon, lace, paper flowers, etc… Design your own skirts from imagination too! For student crafts only, not for resale or redistribution.

In this post, I will be posting small black and white sketches of people representing a variety of hairstyles. Young students can print them out to include in magazines or to make their own unique paper dolls using the actual print or viewing the illustration if they prefer… Black and white sketches of people from an old encyclopedia. there are many ages, Races, countries, and costumes are represented here. Click for a larger download Size is available.

“my dear!” Madam McConnell said: “These children will not stay in bed; Before the darlings get lost I will tie every child to my waist.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Well, it is the drawing of the tree and the verse. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white […]

“I’m pale,” said the white turnip, “I know. And all of our family, too.” “I have to advise,” said the white beetroot. “A course of sugar cookies to eat.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, it is the shape and hair of a white turnip. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left […]

String Beans like to climb a pole, Their clothes are rarely complete. Mother Bean said: “I will mend the broken one; While they are happy, nothing matters! “ Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Correct, it is the illustration of the string bean and verse. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. […]

“I’m so happy,” said Brussels Sprout I’m a handsome boy.” Radish said, “I’m glad I’m normal If good looks make dismissal vain.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, is the illustration and chestnut hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of […]

The turnip rutabaga said: “Wow! You just ran away from the hungry cow; I jumped behind a big tree Or she will definitely eat me! “ Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, is the shape of the turnip and his hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white […]

“The one they called me,” Oyster plant Said, “It lives in the sea; I sure couldn’t sleep “Shaken in the cradle of the depths.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Well, it’s an illustration and poetry of an oyster plant. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue […]

Good morning friends! Do you know who I am? I am the raspberry who makes the jam. You know – that’s on the pantry shelf — I do it every year myself.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Well, it’s an illustration and a raspberry verse. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left […]

For the ruler of the student fairy kingdoms of course! Printables are for personal crafts only; Not intended for resale or redistribution. Crowns in black and white