Beautiful creatures featuring all kinds of animals: drawings of mammals, amphibians and insects.German artist Anastasia Mattern describes the following, as the inspiration for her art: “Animal and botanical drawing in ink and colored pencils”. Some of the drawings have two versions of the animal: one in color and the other in black and white. Sometimes they sit apart on the page, while other times they interact as in the case of vultures. Some insect illustrations too. If you have a fear of them, you might want to stop at drawing five and scroll straight down to pick up the last […]
Category: Best Coloring Books
Creatures and Magical Beings Drawings
Beautiful strange creatures and magical beings graphics.Video editor and art aficionado Jennifer Smart is the creator of the art on this page. Lots of interesting characters and scenes that sprout from a story to grow from. They all seem to be in the middle of a business…after they’ve been…and eventually going to… Among the sweetest I have to put the eight-legged capybara and right on top the badger offers a pie to the mice. This post is not about sweetness, there are also some fierce looking creatures. You never know, they may have a very friendly disposition and are simply […]
Design Stack: A Blog about Art, Design and Architecture: Illustrations
This post comes with a pencil, fine-tip pen, and marker, all of which are expressed in many different styles.French artist Nathan really admires his cheerful drawings. There are so many favorites to choose from… either based on the style or the concept behind the illustration. My first choice would have to be the drawing which I called “Victorian Street Layout”. I love everything about it: the way the selection was cut, like a slice of cake. The colors, lighting, detail, and three-dimensional expression of a scene. All other graphics are great in different ways. I hope you enjoy going through […]
Whimsical Ink Drawings mostly Animals
Funny and quirky graphics, here to make your Wednesday happy.American artist Jake Summerour came up with some interesting concepts to paint. Most, if not all, of the illustrations below belong to a fantasy world, and some go beyond that to a surreal world. It was a real pleasure to give these pieces a title. Grab a still image and move it around with a few shots to follow and some after. Once you have completed this process, you will have a better idea of what led you to this point and what happens next. You are then ready to give […]
Colorful Drawings And 1 Painting
Bright, deep colors using pencil, paint, pen and pastels.New Zealand artist Gina is also known as Rainbowmaster. She is the artist whose work appears on this page today. Many of the colors we see aren’t usually associated with portrait photos. Hues you wouldn’t normally choose to color your skin. However, they work perfectly. If you click on the link below to more of her work, you will be able to see more pictures she has drawn through the years. An artist breaks with tradition to discover another way to express the human appearance. In my opinion, a very successful result. […]
Design Stack: A Blog about Art, Design and Architecture: Ink Architecture Sketches
Beautiful in architecture from around the world, some of it on site.The artist who goes by the name Snow is a travel agent who takes us on a journey to different countries through their premises. There are still a couple of well-known structures, and many others that we haven’t featured before on DesignStack. There are others that you may not be aware of as well. Snow studied architecture at MIT-MTU. This more than explains the love for this kind of art. Start the week with great art and travel. What do you want more from Monday morning? If you can’t […]
Design Stack: A Blog about Art, Design and Architecture: 3D Coffee Latte Drawings
3D latte art, with a collection of images, each one as sweet as the next…Runa Kato (加藤 瑠菜) is the Japanese coffee artist at the Art Center on this page. Lots of characters from pokemon, anime and other animated movie creatures. It’s really a combination of sculpting and detail painting. Like this amazing art form that uses milk foam to recreate the shapes of lovable children’s characters and celebrities. On Kato’s social media page are short videos of the artist moving and adding detail to these beautiful edible creations. Perfect post to go along with what I hope is a […]
A Stage Full of Ink Drawings
The title may sound strange, but at this point, they’re just stars.Nadzeya Karatkevich is the artist who created the ink art on this page. I don’t know what it is about Karatkevich’s work… When I looked at the art and named the illustrations, a calm feeling came over me. It reminds me of the power artists have over their viewers. It’s an amazing talent to have, turning images into sensations. A large number of different people, and as diverse as their audience. A great realization and a whole new start from the weekend package. Get the most out of it, […]
Pastel Pencil Drawings of Cats and Dogs
Pastel pencil drawings of cats and dogs plus one of a wolf.Pet and wildlife artist Shannon Gordy extends this invitation to her followers: “Turn your best friend into a photo!” Different breeds of cats and dogs with individual personalities and expressions. They’re all collected in this post to remind us of some of our most treasured animal friends. As you can see at the top, I’ve included the reference image that Gordy used to create one of her drawings. I’m sure you’ll agree, a very subtle resemblance with two technical additions. The puppy’s face and expression are two main reasons […]
Surreal Ink Drawings full of Meaning
Ink drawings full of symbolism.Indian artist Chiranjit Baroi delights with his paintings. The illustrations on this page were created mostly for Inktober. However, they stand on their own as beautiful pieces of art, with a lot of meanings. It is a mixture of fantasy and surrealism, as the nature of the second lends itself to many different interpretations. This is something that makes looking at art and giving them nicknames so much fun. Take a look at the graphics below and see what I read in them… note. The pictures were given some titles. For more of Barui’s work here […]