Young Cox Comb was so vain, hates being out in the rain; He said he wouldn’t care much, If he had other clothes to wear. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is the illustration and verse for Cocks Comb. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the […]

Cat’s tail, growing in the swamp, I thought his mother was very cruel, Because she wouldn’t let him play With blue flag lilies all day long. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is an illustration and a cat’s tail hair. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along […]

Bleeding heart on the wallShe told everyone of her woes.Life Forever said, “Forget it;Life treats you the way you let it. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: On the left, is an illustration and verse of the bleeding heart. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge […]

Primrose is the most precious thing-She loves to play outdoors in the spring;But if the little child is sick,She is happy on the windowsill. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: On the left, is the illustration and poetry in Primrose. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed […]

Sweet Alyssum plays aroundon any small piece of land;occupy hardly any room,And it throws a very sweet fragrance. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: On the left, is the sweet illustration and poetry of Alice. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and […]

Little brat at four o’clockHe greatly shocked her mother;I stayed up until about six o’clock,Oh, she’s always up to the trick. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: On the left, is an illustration of the fourth hour and its hair. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed […]

“Well, I know,” said Golden Glow. I’m just going to get started and grow up.” I liked it’ way in the air- Send word that he will be staying there. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, is the illustration and hair in Golden-Glow. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school […]

Crimson Rambler once said, He did not like the old dwelling. He thought he was going to travel, so he went On the wall bent to the hurt. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is the illustration and poetry in Crimson Rambler. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school […]

Cunning little blue-eyed grass, smiles at you as you pass by; looks like a little bit of heaven, I fell off the road high. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: On the left, is an illustration of the blue-eyed Grass and his hair. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue […]

Bachelor’s button, oh most shocking! found a hole in her silk stocking; but he fixed it meticulously, It completely covered the place. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, is the illustration and verse for The Bachelor Button. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of […]