Color Portrait Drawings and Paintings

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A distinctive way to draw portraits and art in general.

Artist Louie Ferreira has an interesting style of portraiture.

In his colored pencil drawings, his lines are given in various shapes. Not only do these form part of the features, like the eyebrows, but they also serve as levels and contours for the face. When viewed into a distance they merge into one another, forming a multi-colored shading pattern across the drawing.

In oil-on-canvas paintings, a similar effect occurs but not through lines instead, in similar tones of the same color. Again, if left out, these subtle changes in shapes, give the face the three-dimensional effect only detailed art is capable of achieving.

Delicate expressions and poses add the final touches to the composition. They are worth spending time at. Taking into account the details and then the piece as a whole.


Idioma Color Pencil on paper 1.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


colored pencil on paper 2.

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Idioma colored pencil on paper 3.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Idioma colored pencil on paper 4.

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Idioma colored pencil on paper 5.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

06- installation-oil-on-canvas-portrait-painting-by-louis-ferrera-www-designstack-co

Overlay oil on canvas 1.

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Overlay oil on canvas 2.

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08- installation-oil-on-canvas-portrait-painting-by-louis-ferrera-www-designstack-co

Overlay oil on canvas 3.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

09- installation-oil-on-canvas-portrait-painting-by-louis-ferrera-www-designstack-co

Overlay oil on canvas 4.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Cross oil on canvas 1.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

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