Yam is really pretty mate, Although his skin color is somewhat yellow. When winter comes he packs his fists And he goes north on a little trip. Assemble a book the size of a small doll: Well, he drew Yam and his hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze […]

Busy, Mrs. Quince said: “I haven’t had a moment since then It’s time to make jelly. We are achieving a lot this year.” Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is the depiction of quince and his hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some […]

Persimmon said: “I am very high I can reach out and touch the sky.” Bree Possum said, “Don’t go too far, May you put a bright star.” Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is a depiction of Persimmon and his hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the […]

“I’d like to know,” said Miss Orange Those beautiful mountain girls are called “Snow”. “No,” says her father, or we are lost; They are Sir Jack Frost’s relatives.” Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is illustration and orange hair. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. […]

These garden watercolors will look framed and hung inside a dollhouse… I have prepared their colors for our visitors to include in their dollhouses, for personal use only, not intended for redistribution on alternative websites. Enjoy!

When Jack Frost said, “Now, all the children, Get in before the snowflakes fall.” Parsnip announced that he loves snow To cover it, and I did not go. Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is spelled and felt parsnip. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. […]

Blueberries just love to run awayAnd in the green forest, climb and play;You’ll know him when he’s in the treesIts fragrant flowers smell in the breeze. Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is the illustration and poetry of blueberries. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. […]

olive sweet italian maid, Her dress is green – a beautiful shade. Although at first she is rather shy, You can fall in love with her over and over again. Assemble a book the size of a small doll: True, it is the depiction of Olive and Aya. Visitors can collect all of the botanical illustrations and verses from the Children of Mother Earth to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together […]

Needlepoint is a type of canvas work, a form of counted thread embroidery in which threads are stitched through a rough open weave canvas. Traditionally, needlepoint designs cover the entire canvas. Although needlepoint can be worked in a wide variety of stitches, many needlepoint designs use only a simple tent stitch and rely on color changes in the yarn to build the pattern. Needlepoint is the oldest form of work on canvas. The degree of detail in needlework depends on the number of threads of the underlying mesh fabric. Because of the needle’s inherent lack of ductility, common uses include […]

Needle point for a child with a dummy, not a Quaker design, not a sample. I just found this lovely old needle on wikipedia. I thought some of you might be interested in reproducing it for yourselves. Mislabeled as a “sampler”, however, sampling means that it needs an alphabet included in the design and more than one embroidery stitch as well. It would certainly be a good idea to convert a copy of it into a “sample”. “Berlin action scene of a girl holding a doll in a garden sewn with woolen threads on paper. The girl wears a green […]