On top of Mary’s doll was a small Hallmark paper doll. Description of Mary Has a Little Lamb Doll Card: Tiered skirt, red puff sleeves, blue sash, blue feather, pet sheep, red hair Mary had a little lamb Mary had a little lamb as white as snow – he followed Mary everywhere no matter where she went. And then one day when Mary left he followed her to school – and he walked right in even though he knew it was against the rule! Because Mary told him so much, “The lambs can’t go to school, you see—that’s why you […]

Sweet little maid my human being no,She is such a lovable little baby.A child with blue eyes and a humble manner,She was never spoiled by praise. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Right, is the Forget-Me-Not illustration and logo. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge […]

Columbine is a happy ghost, she dances with the fairies every night; You feed them honey when they’re gone, That’s why fairies love her. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is Columbine’s illustration and poetry. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the […]

Oh, did you see sweet Briar Rose? She wears the most expensive clothes. sweetest hat ever, And the most delicious dress is all shades of green. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is Briar Rose’s illustration and poetry. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed […]

nasturtium grew very large and tall, Climb the garden wall. His little sister couldn’t go- My dear child, she never seemed to grow up. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is the illustration and verse for the Nasturtium. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed […]

The water lily is very fond of Floating in a sunny pool. Bewildering little creature. She loves to grow where no one can reach her. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: To the left, is the water lily illustration and logo. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the […]

Gently swaying, swaying gently During the long hot summer days. He lives where nothing else can grow, – That’s why we all love her. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: True, it is spelled out and blue bell hair. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge […]

geranium in a scarlet dress, With trimmings shading to brown. her cousin is a delicious ghost, She was modestly dressed in white. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: To the left, is an illustration and hairy geranium. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the […]

irises in a country garden, He said politely, “I beg your pardon, But I’m from sunny France you see, And my real name is Fleur de Lys.” Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Well, he drew Eris and his hair. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed […]

Peony is a charming lady She does not like a very shady spot; He loves to live in the light. They wear red, pink or white. Assemble a doll-sized mini book: To the left, is the illustration and hair of Peony. Visitors can collect all the flower illustrations and flowers from the Flower Babies to print and create a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along […]