Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is an illustration of Thrasher’s brown hair. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. Brown Thrasher […]
The Parrakeet | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, Pararakeet’s poetry is illustrated. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. Miss Parakettdress everything in green […]
The Barn Swallow | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is the illustration and home of the Barn Swallow. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. […]
The Catbird | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is an illustration and hair of a cat bird. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. […]
Father and Mother Goose
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below is an illustration and poetry of the father and mother. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds“bird children”To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. “I […]
The Chickadee | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is a titmouse illustration and hair. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. Friendly little titmouse […]
The Starling | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is Starling’s illustration and his hair. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. Starling dear little […]
The Flamingo | The Doll Coloring Book
Have you ever wondered how flamingos got such long legs? Well, that’s how it could have happened, although you don’t need to believe the story unless you want to. If you think you don’t have to believe it, you might think of it like you would in a fairy tale – Good enough to be true, though. There was a time, when flamingos had regular sized legs, and it was all so good they thought they had to learn to dance. But Professor Toukan, who tried to teach them to play the violin for them at the same time, said […]
The Sea Dove | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a doll-sized mini book: Below, is a sea dove illustration and hair. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your dolls. sea dove, […]
The Goldfinch | The Doll Coloring Book
Assemble a book the size of a small doll: Below, is the goldfinch illustration and poetry. Visitors can collect all the illustrations and verses of the birds “bird children” To print and build a little book of poetry for their dolls. Simply drag each png file. In the Word document, print, cut out all the pictures to the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze some white school glue along the pointed edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover. Collect all the cleaned pages and scale them to make a thumbnailBook for your […]