Transported to a Fantasy Painting World

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Relaxing, almost therapeutic fantasy watercolor art paintings.

A great way to start the week, with the work of artist Julia Davila-Lambi. I discovered that looking at Lambie’s paintings and finding titles for them has a calming effect.

Having to give them nicknames, focuses on the need to know what’s really going on in the picture. In addition, what might happen to get to this point and what is likely to happen next. It’s a great way to get to know a piece of art in a short amount of time.

Hoping you get as much out of the process of seeing these paintings as I did, and have a colorful fantasy day.

note. The pictures were given some titles.


The artist at work and the whale outside the window.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Books – where stories have a home.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


City architecture and beautiful rainbow.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


This is what the camera uses to create an image.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Cats are surrounded by a heart.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

06- childhood-home-memory-fantasy-drawing-julia-davila-lambi-www-designstack-co

Memory of your childhood home. Keep him safe.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

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Ferris wheel between houses.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


mermaid cat and moon.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Gary Totoro.

Click on the image to enlarge it.


Read books by candlelight.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

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