When dolls Mary Ellen and Gertrude have a tea party…

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When Mary Ellen and Gertrude have their cambric tea together in the garden, they are such a pretty sight that all the little girls who pass by, have them through the hedge.

It must be said that Cambric tea is the best of all teas. It is made by filling a cup almost full of milk. Then a teaspoon of tea is poured. Cambric tea is sweetened as desired. There are all kinds of goodies to serve with cambric tea: scones, fluffy bread, butter sandwiches, gooseberry pancakes, plum tarts, and cinnamon toast. Cambric tea is what little English princesses drink when they play a tea party in the royal garden.

Mary Ellen is a brown-eyed blonde. Gertrude is a brunette with blue eyes. Mary Ellen wears four-year-old dresses and Gertrude looks even older.

The dress Gertrude is wearing is pink like the hollyhock behind her. It is made of a material called grass. She was wearing white lace pantyhose, the kind that were fashionable when she was young. That was almost forty years ago.

Mary Ellen wears a light blue silk dress and black patent leather stockings and slippers. Her stuff is new.

She is wearing her own daisy chain necklace. The necklace looks like it is made of chrysanthemum flowers strung on a long piece of grass, but they are small flowers made of beads.

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