These dolls from Hungary are colored like peacocks. The two boys, István and Ferry, wear red shoes. Their aprons are decorated with lace and brightly embroidered. Each boy’s jacket sparkles with gold braid and glittery buttons. They both wear feathers and red roses in their hats. Really, there’s enough fabric in their oversized sleeves to make dresses for little dolls. Their accordion-pleated trousers are as wide as skirts.
Maria Theresa was named after a famous Hungarian queen. The wonderful thing about her method
The dressing is that she wears eight petticoats. Young girls often wear a larger number.
These dolls in Hungary belonged to a little Hungarian girl named Margaret. This little girl used to take care of dolls. She gave them good things to eat, cherries, apricots, peaches, apricot jam and candied strawberries.
When their clothes became soiled, Margaret washed them in a nearby stream, just as her clothes had been washed.
Margaret made feather beds and embroidered feather pillows for all three small doll beds. At night she would help her dolls sleep.
On Sunday afternoons, Margaret often took the dolls for long walks, so they could see other children and other children could see her.
Margaret has been lonely for a while after the dolls left for America, but now that she has a family of American dolls to care for and teach her language, she seems busy and content. Besides, you can often hear from Maria Theresa, István and Ferry.