A flower, a child and a mother’s heart-
These three are never far apart.
Child, flower and mother’s love-
The best gifts of this world are from the world above.
“All children are flowers in the garden of God’s love. A flower is the mysterious counterpart of a child. To the understanding heart, a child is a flower and a flower is a child. God made flowers the day He gave the world children. To play among flowers, God has implanted in children’s bosoms a natural love of flowers.” – And no one in whose heart this love had completely left the land of childhood.
In preparing this book, the author and artist have tried to show the kinship between children and flowers, and they hope that the little ones into whose hands this volume comes will find proof of the validity of their knowledge of what flowers really are. And that their love of friendly flowers has returned exponentially.
To you then, little flowers of children, this book is lovingly offered as an expression of thanks to children for the joy and sweetness with which they have filled my life.” Elizabeth Gordon
Crocus * Trailing Arbutus * Daffodil * Hyacinth * Pussy Willow * Primrose * Dandelion * Windflower * Anemone * Lilac * Trillium * Panzi * Johnny-jumping-up * Lady’s Slipper * Violet * Cowslip * Mignonette * Apple Blossom * Daisy * Four Leafy Clover * Buttercup * Forget-Me-Not * Pink * Betty Bouncing * Morning Glory * Honeysuckle * Wild Rose * Columbine * Blue-eyed Grass * Nasturtium * Pansy * Briar-Rose * Bluebell * Geranium * Sweet Alyssum * Blue Linen Eyes * Bleeding Heart * Sweet Pea * Snapdragon * Robin Shredded * Pink Yarrow * Iris * Peony * Pepe Verbena * Maidenhair * Sweet William * Four Hours * Double Flower * Milkweed * Candytuft * Jack Rose * Water Lily * Cocks Comb * ghost flower * golden rod * dahlia * california poppy * cornflower * cat’s tail * prince’s feather * crimson rambler * sage * pink * golden glow * bachelor’s button * sunflower * hollyhook * zinnia * gallbladder * black-eyed susan * gentian * poppy Cochineal * mullein * thistle * wild cucumber * burdock * china aster * chrysanthemum * poison ivy * poinsettia * holly