Samuel, happy in his red jacket and striped pants, was riding in his car in the lobby when this photo was taken. He got speed years ago, even before bicycles were invented. He never seems to get tired of it. He rides it gleefully in big curves whenever he’s allowed to. Previous slide or next slide

Twenty-seven years ago in France, Marie was adopted by an American girl. She was brought to this country to live. Before Marie left her native land, she acquired a new outfit of clothes in Paris. These hats! These dresses! Five yards of lace and inserts were used just underneath. New earrings were bought for her. The white satin slippers are tied with satin bows. and children’s gloves. What a pity that the glove was lost on the flight from France.

Here is a picture of Aunt May and her children, Mildred and Baby Leela. Mildred is wearing the same woolen dress she wore under her oversized robe in the photo taken out of doors. How do you stand straight? Almost as if she had a brace behind her to hold her in completely. Maybe you did. Old-fashioned photographers often use brackets to help people pose perfectly while taking a photo. Aunt May is a very elegant lady doll. Her large hat is made of rich purple velvet trimmed with black puffs. Her black veil is delicate and beautiful. Her silky […]

The German Immigrant Doll, Wilhelmina | Doll coloring book German immigrant doll, Wilhelmina Wilhelmina came to America from Germany in 1900. She is blonde like many German dolls. Her beautiful white woolen dress is decorated with a pale blue ribbon. I made her this country’s blue and white crochet hat. She wears high studded shoes, much like Mildred’s. They were starting to look a little worn, but she did well to make one pair of shoes last thirty-seven years, at that time.

Katie came to America from Germany when she was young. I settled on a farm. There she is with old Bess on the farm. Katie never seems to tire of the farm, even though she has spent over sixty years there. After all, she is the good old type who likes to live quietly. Just to show how old-fashioned she is, she still sticks to her red woolen underwear. She was wearing it when this photo was taken, though it was late June. She was also wearing a red flannel underskirt. A large sun hat protects Katie’s lily-white complexion so […]

This elegant lady came from France a long time ago. It was when Eugenie was the empress of that country and was named after the empress. She brought a bag of clothes with her. The little outfits are carefully made, as if they were made for Empress Eugenie herself. There is no doubt that Eugenie’s dresses were made by a skilled doll dressmaker. All well-to-do dolls had their own tailoring in those days. Eugenie had many accessories, too. She had a black silk sundress trimmed with lace, a fur collar, mittens, a pair of baby mittens, a gold locket and […]

Eugenie did not come from France alone. Her father came with her. It is he who is depicted wearing a tall silk hat. From his dress and bearing, he seems to have grown accustomed to the best always. His broad black suit must have been tailored before the invention of the sewing machine, because it was made by hand. The stitches are even smaller than machine stitches. The cloth stuck to it They are a good colour, though the black thread which was used for sewing has faded to brown. His shirt is neatly tucked in the front and his […]

When he first started using cars, the owner’s technique was to take his picture standing next to his car. The photo is usually taken in front of the man’s home or workplace. That’s why this picture is of Jim Brady. Mr.’ Brady, or Jim, as he is affectionately known to his friends, is fond of bright colors. Red tie. His shirt is light pink and his jacket is green and black. His suit is a bold check in black and white. Jim is rarely seen without a bright flower at the crown of his head. is sometimes. He has more […]

Conrad must have sipped the water of eternal youth, because he looks young despite his sixty years. He has no gray hair on his head and his cheeks are pinker than ever. He certainly sticks to whatever he’s given, because he still has the handy knife he brought from Germany years ago.

If the dolls could talk, they could tell all about themselves – where they came from and how it happened – oh, they’d have a lot to say, without a doubt. Now this doll may tell us whether it is from England or Germany. Sometimes it looks as if one day she might have been drinking tea in an English garden. Then again it sure looks German. Her hair is styled exactly as Shepardson’s favorite great-grandfather’s cousin, Evelyn Millyard, used to do her hair over eighty years ago. It lies flat on the crown of her head and ends in […]